Frequently Asked Questions

How can I set up a wholesale account?

We would love to have you sell Dr. Christopher’s products. All we would need to get you set up is for you to fax a copy of your business license to 801-794-6801. Please include your address, phone number and we will set up your wholesale account and have your rep contact you.

Does Dr. Christopher’s have an affiliate program?

We do have affiliate programs through the School of Natural Healing. We offer the 1st course free when you purchase the Top Best Sellers Display. Or we have the Scholarship program where we offer the first 3 courses for free and then pay 40% off all the schooling up to the last course, when you purchase 3 sku’s of each of Dr Christopher’s Product line. If you are just interested in the School information, you can call the School of Natural Healing at 1-800-372-8255.

Are Dr. Christopher’s products safe for diabetics?

Dr. Christopher’s products are all naturally made from whole food vitamins, but there are a few products that have Nutritional Yeast in them, like Vitalerbs, Jurassic Green, Mindtrac & Kid-e-Mins. Some extracts have a corn base vegetable glycerine. Many diabetic’s have used the formulas safely for years & have had much success.

Why advertise on our website?

Over the past 60 years Dr Christopher’s Original Formulas sales continues to grow at substantial rates which creates a great revenue stream for our vendors by offering this time tested whole food herbal line.

How can I get my site listed?

Contact us with your information & we will be glad to put a free link to any & all vendors of Dr Christopher’s Original Formulas. Your site must also have a reciprocal link to

To get a Preferred Link your site must be approved & carry Dr. Christopher’s full line. There is also a $500 fee for 12 months.

***Preferred links are reserved on a first come first served basis & must be renewed yearly.